As you will have been constantly told when there, Yorkshire is Gawd's Own County so the weather is always good. Of course, Tykes will count any weather in Yorkshire as "good" because its Yorkshire weather, so this tells us very little about whether its raining or not or if the wind has blown off a few roofs.
But I though you Ulstermen were Very Hardy and immune to privations of every kind? I'm surprised that some Yorky hasn't already been on here scoffing at how you're "a soft western jessie" for complaining about a bit of rain.
Of course, I yam from Tyneside, where everyone is immune to weather and will go out dancin' and boozin' to The Bigg Market on a Saturday night in snowy winter with nothing but a thin T-shirt with a packet of fags stuck up one sleeve and a box of matches up the other. (Oh, and some dancing-trews of tight aspect). Mind, I'm talking about 1968 ..... .
It's been sunny, warm and zephyr-ish here in West Wales. I have done many miles, walking dogs and on the bikes. Barbies in the garden; whittling spoons on a bench in the warm gloaming.