No! Some people made up a religion based on what they imagined Druids to believe in and called themselves Druids. This means they are Druids right??!!
I remember a discussion on an outdoors forum about a Peruvian who travelled the world performing Incan sun worship practises in or near local religious places (such as stone circles or similar). He tried to perform one in the middle of Castlerigg stone circle and got booted off as it is protected. He moved into the field next to it with the landowners permission and completed his ceremony to the applause of all the new age fairy botherers who had joined him.
The reason I told this was because there followed on the forum a discussion about whether the Peruvian was actually doing the Incan ceremony because the Incan religion died out or whether it was a real religion he was practising. Also, whether it is or not is it right to practise your beliefs in a site built or dersignated for another even if that site was for a dead belief system that nobody knows about?
It was all going nice and friendly until a new forum member who's first post was to lay into anyone who criticised the guy for trying to practise a south american religion ceremony copy in a British believed to be religious site. Her username was fairy rainbow unicorn something or other new age-ey type username. Not very new age / hippy attitude though!!
I see no harm in people practising what they think of as Druidism, I just have issues with them doing it in say a RC cathedral, Muslim mosque, synagogue or prehistoric stone circle.
I digress. I guess my point is that just because you take the name of a dead belief system does that make you the modern form of it or just a made up belief system calling itself an ancient name to claim credibility or because they could not get traction making their own name up?