... january-25
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Research shows us that awareness of Cycling UK and what we do is low, and that our current brand isn’t helping us to engage new people. So we are working on an improved brand to communicate who we are and what we stand for. This process will invite input from members, trustees and others. We’re not changing our name; we’ll still be Cycling UK. The new brand will launch in spring.
Maybe we should rebrand as Cyclists’ Touring Club or Cycling Transport Club? ... january-25
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Gearing up for 2025
Gearing up for 2025
This year Cycling UK inspired more cyclists to ride, campaigned for better cycling provision and launched a bold new strategy.
There’s more to come, says Sarah Mitchell
As we move towards the end of a busy year, this is a great opportunity to pause and reflect on the difference we have made together through the charity. In June we launched our bold five-year strategy, setting out how we will create happier, healthier and greener lives through cycling. Five months on, it’s exciting to see the progress that has already been made.
We’re committed to making cycling accessible to everyone, no matter their age, background or ability and, as the data from 2023/24 shows (page 18), our impact as a charity continues to grow. I’m proud to see that, in addition to our loyal 70,000 members, we’ve reached over 100,000 people with our community-based cycling programmes.
Cycling UK has been a consistent advocate for safer, more accessible cycling throughout our 146-year history.
Your support has enabled us to continue our campaigning tradition this year with several key policy victories, from saving the vital Active Travel Schools programme in Northern Ireland to helping to secure a record budget for cycling, walking and wheeling in Scotland. We’ve mobilised thousands of people – including many of our members – to drive forward policies for safer roads in local communities.
Our member groups this year gave people in their local communities exceptional cycling experiences by putting on more than 8,000 rides. Our dedicated volunteers contributed almost 10,000 hours to the charity! Thanks to all of you who have supported us this way.
A big focus for us this year has been on engaging and influencing politicians and decision-makers, particularly in the run up to, and following, July’s general election. In October I had a
productive first meeting with UK Local Transport Minister Simon Lightwood MP. We
discussed Cycling UK’s priorities for the new government, including pushing for funding to be shifted away from road building towards active travel. In the Autumn Budget, Cycling UK was pleased to see a further £100m of capital funding for active travel in England – a positive step, but we know that much greater investment is needed. We’ll continue to work with our partners in the world of walking, wheeling and cycling to push for that investment to become a reality.
Another exciting development is that we are working on a refreshed brand for Cycling UK. Research has shown us that knowledge of Cycling UK and what we do is low – particularly among the general public but even among supporters and members. Our existing brand is also preventing us from engaging with the new audiences we need to reach in order to achieve our mission. We’ve been running focus groups with members and working on an updated look and feel that will help us increase our reach and impact – but we’ll be keeping our name.
In line with our new strategy and our future aims, you, our members, voted to support some key changes to Cycling UK’s governance during this year’s AGM (see page

In this issue of Cycle, we are launching our winter appeal, the proceeds from which will help us continue to change lives through cycling into 2025 and beyond. Please do contribute if you can – your support will help more people experience the transformational benefits of cycling.
And finally, I would like to extend a special thank you to our trustees, for a year of hard work! Firstly, thanks to our former chair Janet Atherton for her immense support and commitment to the charity through my first years as chief executive, and secondly thanks to all our current trustees for the time and effort they have put into our work this year. They are all volunteers and we really appreciate their input, their time and their commitment. Thank you for all your support for Cycling UK in 2024.
Wishing you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
Rebranding of Cycling Uk ... january-25
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Research shows us that awareness of Cycling UK and what we do is low, and that our current brand isn’t helping us to engage new people. So we are working on an improved brand to communicate who we are and what we stand for. This process will invite input from members, trustees and others. We’re not changing our name; we’ll still be Cycling UK. The new brand will launch in spring.
President: Jon Snow
Chief Executive: Sarah Mitchell
Cycling UK is a trading name of Cyclists' Touring Club (CTC) a company limited by guarantee, registered in England no: 25185. Registered as a charity in England and Wales charity no: 1147607 and in Scotland charity no: SC042541. Registered office: Parklands, Railton Road, Guildford, Surrey GU2 9JX.
Copyright © CTC 2024