As the years go on, one thing I've found which ages me.. isn't the lack of disc brakes or carbon fibre on my bike, it's not the fact that I cycle slower or cycle less miles, but it's my slowness in accepting new ideas..PDQ Mobile wrote: ↑21 Jan 2025, 1:52pmI already pay ten times more road fund licence than the average £35 for the "privilege" of running an old 1600cc car, thanks.the snail wrote: ↑21 Jan 2025, 12:30pmWell maybe you need to pay more tax? Perhaps reduced support from central government is a factor? I'm struggling with your logic though. You complain about costs and quality of service, but you don't like anything 'modern' that improves productivity, and seem to think that everything would be better if we went back to the good old days where a block with a shovel fixed the pothole while his three mates leaned on their brooms and smoked a fag or two?PDQ Mobile wrote: ↑21 Jan 2025, 10:15am ...
Since 1982 my rates/ council tax has gone up by a factor of over 30!
The roads are in a much poorer state.
A sensor and a camera isn't AI, but quite likely they are inputs to an AI system. This stuff is not rocket science, it's standard technology these days.
The shovel is just an example of a low tech low fossil energy remedy- that really works well.
Given a fit and committed workforce, but it's another issue.
I understand it's "standard technology" these days but I still question it's efficacy and economics.
But I guess you are right, the older I get the less I like "modern".
Just an old fogey!!
..there is nothing so useful as a strong work ethic and a mind to put it to practical use... but the trouble is now, there's too much work to do.. too many pot holes, too many benefit claims to assess.. and it's the same everywhere.. the NHS has too many patients.. too many people waiting to talk with 'talking therapies'... for those doing the work, A.i allows them to focus where their efforts can produce the best results..